Senin, 24 September 2012

Healthy Hair


Hair is a barometer of your health. Hair is made up of many different things and interrelated factors. Besides keratin (a protein made ​​up of cells), which became the main element, the hair is also associated with blood (especially in hair follicles) and is also associated with the root hormone. Therefore, it was not excessive if the hair was then regarded as a 'crown' of human. Because of the extension could be a prime indicator a person's health, it can even support one's confidence condition.
Each strand of hair consists of three layers: Cuticle, Cortex, Medulla. The third layer has a task respectively. As Cuticle or cuticle serves to keep the hair from external factors. In the Cortex-shaped cells contained fibers that serves to maintain the strength and elasticity of the hair. Even in Cortex also contained melamine, the pigment that gives color to the hair. Whereas the medulla formed from keratin cells that function very rembut supplies oxygen and food to the tip of hair. To preserve that layer in the hair works best, it takes maximum care. If not treated optimally. problems in the hair is:

Hair growth is divided into 3 phases: anagen (can reach 4 years old when actively growing hair}, Catagen (about 20 days old when the hair stopped growing but is still active), and the telogen phase (lasting 90 days when hair is - completely stop growing and fall). therefore definitely hair fall as the leaves of the tree. limit normal hair 'fall in a day maximum is 100 / day., however there are also losing hair means the hair has not been through a phase talagen but fall because of factors , such as malnutrition, illness, duration of treatment, stress, excessive sun exposure or use of the product as well as excessive hair styling tools. If this condition is left unchecked, will lead to baldness. therefore, in addition to implementing a healthy diet rich in protein, it needed intensive treatment to help improve the strength of the roots and hair shaft optimally.
Split ends
Branched hair problems apparently not a new problem for many people. Although impressed mild, basically branched hair problems need to be considered carefully. Because split ends indicate an unhealthy condition of the hair or lack of nutrients. If the condition is left, it is feared will happen other hair problems are more severe. In addition, the hair tip branching can occur due to dry hair and too much exposure to sunlight. The use of solar Tabit for hair can be a solution teapt.

As mentioned previously, the hair is a reflection of your health, and dull hair is a reflection of your health is not good. Dull hair can be a barometer of a less balanced nutrition, improper care and regular, or excessive use of the product. Not only the scalp, hair also needs to be treated intensively in order to look healthy. Use of home care products like hair serum or hair glossy, and nutrient-rich shampoos can be a solution to proper care at home.

There are many factors that lead to dull hair rough and difficult diatur.rambut usually due to the composition of the cuticle on the hair shaft close tidah neatly and perfectly, giving the impression of coarse hair. While hair is difficult to set and easy broken, usually caused by factors very low elasticity of the hair.


Basically, this treatment aims to restore the strength of the hair roots optimally. Moreover, this treatment nourishes and freshness of new intensive hair. In the process, this treatment applied three main steps, namely intensive treatment to repair vital that contain ceramide to fill the shaft cuticle layer while helping to increase flexibility and elastsitas hair. Special massage function puts pressure on acupressure points on the scalp which helps blood circulation as well as relaxation, and the use of masks to strengthen and protect hair while controlling the optimum hair's natural moisture.

As facial skin needs nutrition with regular use of masks and rich in nutrients to the hair is recommended to be done regularly in order to maintain optimal hair vitality. Moreover, if the hair in less sehatr conditions, such as dry, dull and brittle and even fall out. To obtain maximum results, this treatment should be done on a hair net (ie after shampooing) and performed regularly every week. Select products are also rich in nutrients that are good for the hair and apply a light massage after mask is rinsed to help invigorate the scalp.

As its name suggests, this treatment works to overcome hair loss with the use of products made from water main dna essential nutrients for the hair which is refreshing. In addition to applying the cleaning process and the opt imal massage, this treatment is also enriched with a refreshing scent. So it gives a very good effect on hair. And is equipped with a superior product to clean the scalp and prevents dandruff.

As with any treatment mask, cream bath can also be done regularly to maintain the condition of hair. To obtain results in accordance with the desired, use a hair cream bath made from natural ingredients in accordance with the conditions or usefulness hair needs. For example: ginseng to strengthen the roots and hair shaft, aloe vera to nourish hair, avocados to moisturize and soften the hair, and so on.

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